It has been nearly five years since I have blogged. One might think that I must have fallen off the wagon the day after post that last entry, but that is not the case. I actually had about four years of success and maintenance. I participated in about 10 half marathons. Was wearing size 10 clothes. It was an awesome feeling. I was living the life I knew I was always meant to live. And then something happened. I can't say for sure what it was that made me lose focus...was it recovering from my hysterectomy? Or injuring my foot during the Wasatch Back Relay? Or maybe I just became cocky that I had this thing beat. Doesn't really matter now what got me to today, just that I am here admitting, to anyone that reads this, that I have gained 30 pounds back. A month ago I cancelled my membership to Weight Watchers. Not that it isn't a great program, but for the last few months I have not been committed to the program and I was essentially throwing away money. Due to the injury to my foot I haven't done much exercising. I have been eating EVERYTHING that I want. And that is why this morning I tipped the scale at:
(to become the new start weight)
So I guess now I need to state what my plan is.
*Journal my food and exercise using My Fitness Pal
*Eat 1200 calories
*Exercise 5 days a week using Run Keeper
*1 diet coke a day
*Water, water and more water
*Post my weigh ins on my blog every Wednesday
Now is the important part why am I doing this. What am I hoping to "get" at goal Size 10 & 145 lbs.
*To fit into my clothes. I have a closet full of clothes that I cant wear.
*Be able to work out comfortably. When you are this size and working out there is a lot of girl to bounce around and it is hard on those joints.
*I want to feel like I am in control again, not a run away train.
*I would like to be a good example of healthy for my girls.
*I want to participate in a Half Marathon again.
*To be able to wear boots without them being tight on my calves
*Can you say, "SKINNY JEANS"
*I want to really feel like I am pretty when someone says that to me.
*I dream of having Steve lifting me up
And so the journey begins...
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