Thursday, July 11, 2019

I’m Back and Not Much Has Changed

I can’t believe I am to this point again. 

5 years ago I was the smallest I had been since getting married.  I had accomplished many of the goals I listed in this blog.  I looked good in Zack’s graduation pictures, I was leading a healthy lifestyle and I could wear ALL the clothes that were in my closet.  I was a size 10 (occasionally a size 8) and little by little the pounds crept back in and I became complacent.
My daughter and I Christmas 2014
Earlier this year I decided to try and get this back under control and joined WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) and have recommitted myself to using my FitBit and aim for 10,000 steps a day.  The weight isn’t really budging much and last night was my breaking point.  I came home after going line dancing and felt so defeated.  I don’t feel like I am suppose to be in this fat body...THIS IS NOT ME.  Last night I seriously considered asking my husband if there was anyway we could afford my having the Gastric Sleeve performed.  After essentially breaking down to my wonderful and loving husband, I took a deep breath.  No, I did not mention the surgery, but I made a deal with myself.  I am going to give myself 1 year to lose the weight with out medical assistance.  I am going to commit fully to the process.  If on the 4th of July 2020, I have not lost this weight after having given it my all, I will discuss with my husband the surgery.  The deal is, I have to commit 100% to the following:
  • I need to track my WW points EVERY DAY
  • I have to get at least 10,000 steps EVERY DAY
  • I need to cut the sugar out of my diet.  I love sweets, but I am weak and need to stay away.
  • I must cute back on the carbs and take in more proteins and 0 pt food.

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