Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hello World!!!

(Originally Posted on August 22, 2007 )

I am doing it once again.

Attempting to lose weight. I have been on this road many time since I as 14 years old (I am now 35) That means for more than half my life. So here I sit…all 212 pounds of me…still not happy with the woman I am on the outside. I have an incredible husband, 4 beautiful chidlren, and a great life and yet I am not entire hppy. Maybe happy is not the appropriate word. I think a better description would be that I am not comfortable. I am not happy just having a few outfits to wear, the rolls and excess body is not comfortable, I hate that I can not go runing along with Steve and it is mostly because there is so much of me to move. I NEED to make the change.

So, in order to do that I have joined Weight Watchers again. I have had success before .

1 comment:

Yassin Nouri said...

Hi.she has a fat bottom but it's not very bad.hemmmmmm if she be a little slim I think will be more sexy.