Sunday, March 9, 2008

Loses and Anxiety

(Originally Posted on September 12, 2007)

I was a little nervous about this week’s weighin. Not because I have not being eating correctly because I had, but because I am 2 days from my period and I am feeling a little bloaty. But I still showed a -1.4 pound loss. WOOHOO!!!

So this week, Steve and I went out to dinner with some friends on Friday night. We went to Joe’s Crab Shack and I had pretty much decided I would have salmon. They had served me quite a large portion and I ate a little more than half of it. I tried to concentrate on serving size. Then we went bowling after dinner and I did not get any other snacks, just a fountain drink. I think so far I am doing a pretty good job at staying focused and my eye on goal. I feel pretty confidant.

I am a little nervous about next week. We are leaving for Rhode Island, but I already looked up where the WW is there and the time for their meetings. So I am going to go and do my weigh in. I also went to and mapped out a walk around my mother-in-laws home. So I am trying to continue to plan out my activities, but you know so many things are out of your control when you are staying at someone else’s home. And we are spwnding so much time on the plane, I need to plan out some healthy snacks. Well, wish me luck!!



TOTAL +/- -9.2

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