Monday, March 10, 2008

I Lost LBS on a Cruise

Steve and I went on a cruise a few weeks ago. I actually boarded the ship quite confidant that I would not gain "too much" weight. I had used some of the skills that I have learned from my WW meetings. Even prior to the actually trip I had thought about what my game plan would be in different situations.

So I did not look at the desserts when eating from the buffet. Although I did occasionally have a bowl of jello. I also ate a lot of fruit and vegetables. I exercised a few times on the ship, took the stairs often and was just pretty darn busy.

Then the Wednesday after the cruise I went to my regular WW meeting and discovered that I had lost 3 POUNDS!!! Holy Hannah!!! I did it. I went on the cruise had a goal to lose weight and actually did it.

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